8.07.2014 Videodocumentation of production and consumption of "Extractum Hominus: My blood is your wine - Russian-Ukrainian cocktail" in 4 parts: Collecting the blood, Fermentation, Distillation, Degustation".
8.07.2014 Added videoreport from lenta.ru article "Russian voice on Manifesta". Kirill Shamanov exhibit the project Extractum Hominus: My blood your wine - Russian-Ukrainian cocktail.
30.06.2014 Added video report from NTV TV-channel about exhibition Casus Pacis and Tajiks Art group's project Extractum Hominus "My blood is your wine. Russian-Ukrainian Coctail".
30.06.2014 Added video report from Top.spb.tv TV-channel about exhibition Casus Pacis and Tajiks Art group's project Extractum Hominus "My blood is your wine. Russian-Ukrainian Coctail".
Press Release of Tajiks-Art group’ project within the exhibition Casus Pasis in the new museum of Street Art in Saint Petersburg
On June 28th 2014 in Saint-Petersburg, anti-capitalistic and anti-militaristic Tajiks-Art group’ project “My blood is your wine - Russian-Ukrainian cocktail” will be exhibited marking the centenary of the First World War. It’s a new page of the legendary project «Extractum Hominus» - alcohol distilled from the blood of suppressed folks. Group of artists from Saint Petersburg has exhibited home only one time with paintings which were drawn by gastarbeiters by pictures of American abstractionists’ paintings. 5 TV channels and Valentina Matvienko, governor of Saint Petersburg at the moment, have visited the exhibition.
Tajiks-Art group will distill several litres of «Extractum Hominus» from Russian and Ukrainian blood, collected from donors for money, within the exhibition Casus Pasis in the museum of Street Art. “My blood is your wine - Russian-Ukrainian cocktail” as a metaphor of exploitation of weak people by strong ones complements the 2009 project when «Extractum Hominus» was distilled from blood of Tajiks, Kyrgyz and Uzbeks gastarbeiters.
In the new version of «Extractum Hominus», symbolically distilled during this year's centenary of the First World War, the war theme is reflected as a bloody instrument for resources expropriation and human exploitation. It’s not a secret that most wars occur due to redistribution of spheres of influence and capitals movements much more than due to real conflicts between nations. Nowadays Russia and Ukraine are losing its citizens, blood is shed for the sake of transnational corporations that will get some more billions dollars by running this blood through its intercontinental crucibles.
84 Shosse Revolyutsii, Saint Petersburg, Russia
More about other Tajiks Art projects
Exhibition website: http://casuspacis.ru/
Street Art museum website: http://www.streetartmuseum.ru/
Contact for press: +79633068807 - Maria
+79119817695 - Kirill (in Russian)

20.02.2014 Added discussion about Tajiks Art project with Kirill Shamanov, Ndrey Erofeev and Anna Mongain in "The ministry of Culture" programme on TV Rain.
20.01.2014 Added video-conference with Kir Shamanov on internet-channel Cutycelebrity.ru from 12.02.2011
21.04.2015 An article about Tajiks Art group in the Casus pacis exhibition catalogue has been added to the website in Russian and in English. Enjoy reading!
6.09.2014 Added the first art project and the first work of art "Bloodshed" by Kirill Shamanov made in 2000.
27.07.2014 Press (in Russian) about the project «CASUS PACIS or One second prior to the peace»
After the opening of the monument "CASUS PACIS or One second prior to the peace" an open discussion devoted to the subject of art and censorship in the context of democratic values of modern society will be held on 25th July at the Street Art Museum.
On July 25th at 20-00 at Street Art Museum in Saint-Petersburg artist Kirill Shamanov opens art installation - the monument “CASUS PACIS or One second prior to the peace” dedicated to the criticism of dissemination methods of «humanistic values», «world orders» and «democracy».
Democratic values are considered to be the most humane, calling for the universal tolerance and the interethnic, international consensus. But, unfortunately, during last few decades the explosive bombs that rain on peaceful cities of Vietnam, Serbia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Russia and etc. have become the most expressive symbol and a harbinger of «democracy» all over the world.
Bomb found on the fields of World War II was neutralized and renovated and will be exhibited as a readymade and a monument to numerous attempts to inculcate forcibly certain values around the world. An object questions ideas that requires assistance of mercenaries, hypocritical policy and f discreditation of the ideas of peace, pacifism and humanism.
Since the time of Marcel Duchamp contemporary art has been using readymade objects moving them into the new artistic context. Dozens of unexploded bombs and mines have still been found near Saint Petersburg. Using one of them, author refers to the work of Joseph Beuys, German artist, who was a Luftwaffe pilot during World War II and who bombed the Crimea, where he was shot down, and rethought afterwards his views becoming a guru of Modern Art. German wartime bomb identical to those rained by Beuys on Ukrainian and Russian territory was deactivated and filmed as props in several movies about the war. Suspended in a special frame like the legendary Shark by Damien Hirst bomb hung in one second prior to the contact with the ground.
Street Art Museum website
Contact: +79119817695 Kirill Shamanov
Street Art Museum, Saint Petersburg, 84, Shosse Revolucii

29.06.2014 Project "Extractum Hominus - Russian-Ukrainian Coctail" from Tajiks Art group was exhibited in the opening of exhibition Casus Pacis in Street Art Museum in Saint Petersburg within parallel events of Manifesta 10. Correspondents of "Novaya gazeta" newspaper and "MK" Moskovskyi Komsomolets newspaper have tasted alcohol from Russian and Ukrainian blood and shared their impessions about the project.

5.06.2014 Added an interwiew with Alexandr Efremov about Tajiks Art Group and Science Art for the newspaper Rosbalt St. Petersburg: How biologist became a marginal. (in Russian)
1.06.2014 Added a brand new project "Drafting"
25.05.2014 Added New Artworks "Drafting"
13.05.2014 May 17th - 8pm Artist talk with Kirill Shamanov about the project "Monetization" at the Perm Art Museum during the festival "Museums at Night 2014", Perm.
13.05.2014 May 16 - July 30 the project "Monetization" is exhibited during the exhibition "Art-Money-Art" at the Perm Art Museum. Perm.
27.11.2013 Added tab "Shop": you can buy "Zero rubles", "Ghosts of European Currencies", "Ya staralsya" (I was trying) Tshirts, Tajik Spirit - alcohol from blood of gastarbeiters.
31.10.2013. Added personal project "Software for every case", 2003 г
24.10.2013. Added curator's project "Contact in time" 2005, 2007
12.10.2013. Novel "L'enfant terrible of Perestroika" is finished!
10.10.2013. Welcome to our new website!
20.01.2014 Added the article Moscow hosted several exhibitions with participation of migrants(in Russian) about Tajiks-Art project. Newspaper "Moscow News".
20.11. 2013 Added "Sensus Novus" magazine article: Kirill Shamanov: Gopnik is a defective homosovetikus(in Russian) about project GOP-ART.
03.11.2013. Added video from "Supremathematics" performance, exhibition DIMENSIONS VARIABLE at art-center Moë Vienna.
03.11.2013. Added video-interview with Kirill Shamanov on the "Radio Boga" (God's radio) about GOP-ART project. (in Russian)
02.11.2013. Added video Tajiks-Art. Gastarbeiters draws portraits of their favourite politicians on the NTV TV channel. (in Russian)