Relations between photo and time causes very controversial issues. Photo records present time but it still has to be evidence of the past. How to discover time? How to take a sample of it? Photo-project “Contact in Time” tries to answer these questions.
The project was realized 2 times. First - in the middle of summer 2005, the second - in the middle of spring 2007.
Photographers agreed in advance about the date of meeting in time - 15 July 2005 - middle of the year and the summer - at exactly 12.00, Moscow time.
At the same time, each in his own city, separated by borders and space, keeping in touch with each other only by means of watches, two groups of six people gathered at intersection of main roads and went for a walk with cameras.
The first frame: 12 shutters clicked synchronously. Then “contact-in-timers” shot something that attracted their attention with an interval of exactly one minute. 7 frames of film and 12 photo-documentations in several countries. First time 12 participants from 2 counties - Russia and Finland took part in the project. The second time, April 15, 2007, the project brought together twelve authors from three countries, five cities and one village.
2007, July. International project “Contact in time”. (Israel culture center, St-Petersburg)
2005, October. International project “Contact in time”. (Museum of Anna Ahmatova, St-Petersburg)
2005, October. Photo-triennial “BACK LIGHT”, (Tampere, Finland)

Idea of the project: Kirill Shamanov.
Curators 2005: Kirill Shamanov, Anna Kharkina, Jonna Karanka.
Curators 2007: Kirill Shamanov, Anton Kalgaev.
Participants of the project in 2005:
St. Petersburg: Kirill Shamanov, Anna Kolosova, Eugeny Ma, Olesya Samoilova, Eugenya Oreshkina, Maria Shershneva.
Tampere: Jonna Karanka, Elisa Vesterinen, Johanna Lonka, Hannamari Matikainen, Elina Baeckman, Saija Pitkänen.
Participants of the project in 2007:
Russia: Galina Gankina (Moscow), Pavel Nazarov (village Sofrino, Moscow region), Sergei Nagaev (Izhevsk), Nina Pechkovskaya (St. Petersburg), Nikita Tymoshenko (St. Petersburg), Oxana Devochkina (St. Petersburg), Tatiana Ada Idu (St. Petersburg), Alisa Solovyova (St. Petersburg).
Germany: Eleonore de Montesquiou (Berlin), Roxane Bilambo (Berlin).
Israel: Igor Farberov (Jerusalem), Haim Pzah (Jerusalem).
Supported by the Sleipnir (Nordic Council of Ministers), Photographic Center Nykyaika (Tampere) , the Polytechnic University of Tampere (School of Art and Media), by Epson.